dreaded job. I hate it and I’ll do almost anything I can to make it as
easy as possible. In a previous blog post dated May 19th, I
explained how I do most of my weeding in the spring which is a proactive
approach. Do it once—and you don’t have to do it again. (No, I’m not kidding.)
But if time didn’t have time for that or you’ve just acquired a weed-infested
perennial garden, then here are a few tips:
Weed when
the ground is wet. Like after a long summer rain or a thorough
watering. The key is to pull out the entire plant, roots and all.
But if the top 3 or 4 inches of the ground is hard and dry, the plant will
break off leaving a portion of the root below ground . . . and I will promise
you, the weed will reappear. A moist ground makes it easier to pull the
whole plant from its moorings.
Forget the
hoe. Some individuals—my husband included—believe it’s easier to chop the
weeds off with the hoe. This may help deter the spread of a weed, even
keep it from going to seed, and in a pinch be the answer. However, as I
just explained, it doesn’t get to the “root” of the problem—or the root of the
Tackle the
worst first. The important thing to remember is—weeds spread. Whether
it’s by reseeding themselves or the attack of an invasive root system, they
multiply and increase in size. So analyze your garden, pick the area that has
the largest weed penetration, and start there.
Yes, there is a garden under there. If you have more weeds than plants, it may
mean you’ll need to take the aggressive approach. If this is the case, I have
found it easier to dig out the plants I want to keep, pull as many weeds as
possible, and re-till the ground. The
key to that is to rake out the pieces of roots and leaves left behind prior to
replanting my plants or the weeds may reappear. Also, make sure there are
no weeds integrated into the plants before putting them back into the ground. I
know this sounds hard, but it is much, much easier than trying to eradicate
weeds that have taken over a patch of ground.
Mulch and
mulch often. I believe in the power of mulch. It keeps the
roots of your plants cool and moist, but it also deters weeds from growing.
This is the best weed deterrent I know. If you mulch right after you
weed, it will almost eliminate the need for heavy weeding for the rest of the
Pat yourself on a job well done. But, never assume your weed woes are
over. Revisit a site frequently for weeds determined to resurface. I know
I promised you only have to weed once a year, and if you catch the weeds early
followed by a heavy coat of mulch, your hours of weeding and re-weeding are
over. However, I always make it a point on my nightly walk around my gardens to
pull what weeds I have overlooked or sprouted in the interim—because they will
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